Environmental transition
Thanks to the support and commitment of their partners, the "Finance and Sustainable Development -...
The Green Finance Research Advances is an International Research Conference for academics and professionals, co-organized by Banque de...
Risks Forum 2022 Analyses Climate Risks in Finance
The 15e Financial Risks International Forum (Risks Forum), organised by the Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB),...
How to (properly) finance the climate transition
Financial companies, banks, insurance companies and asset managers, play a central role in the economy...
PLADIFES: a large financial and extra-financial database project
Pladifes summary PLADIFES aims at facilitating research in traditional finance as well as green and...
The climate: economic and financial challenges analysed by research
The hopes glimpsed in 2020 during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic – during...
The SCOR Foundation for Science launches its 2022-2026 five-year program
Paris, November 26, 2021 – Created in 2011, the objective of the SCOR Corporate Foundation...
Overview on the Steering Committee of the Green and Sustainable Finance (GSF) Programme
On September 29th, 2021, the Steering Committee of the Interdisciplinary Research Programme "Green and Sustainable...
Paris, I love you! When finance embraces climate goals
By Stéphane VOISIN, Julie RAYNAUD and Peter TANKOV Institut Louis Bachelier A key factor for...
Climate-economic scenarios and models: a reading guide for sustainable finance
The climate emergency is unfortunately becoming ever more acute, as shown by recent meteorological phenomena...
Innovative mathematical tools for the energy transition
"Heat domes" in western Canada, as we l l as in North Afr ica and...
The crisis and beyond: the climate emergency
Unprecedented, sudden and global are just some of the adjectives that come to mind to...