3 Jun. 2021 News ILB Methods ILB Methods°5: Risks of cyber claims accumulation for the insurance industry The Louis Bachelier Institute has just released the fifth issue of its "ILB Methods" collection,... + Add to my selection
1 Jun. 2021 News Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) is looking for a “Green communications specialist and project manager” Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) is looking for a “Green communications specialist and project manager” to... + Add to my selection
16 Apr. 2021 Financial transition Notebook The crisis and beyond: contributions from academic research The Covid-19 pandemic unfortunately continues to ravage the world. Since it began more than a... + Add to my selection
12 Feb. 2021 Financial transition ILB Methods n°4: Active risk management for sustainable Retirement & Savings The Institut Louis Bachelier has just released the fourth issue of its "ILB Methods" collection,... + Add to my selection
5 Feb. 2021 Financial transition New technologies are shaking up the financial sector At a time when new technologies represent major challenges for financial sector players, the interdisciplinary... + Add to my selection
22 Jan. 2021 Financial transition Opinions& Debates The economic evaluation of life insurance liabilities: pitfalls, best practices and recommendations for relevant implementation Life insurance, particularly euro-denominated guaranteed-capital investments, is still the preferred French investment, with outstandings of... + Add to my selection
21 Dec. 2020 Environmental transition Notebook The crisis and beyond: the climate emergency Unprecedented, sudden and global are just some of the adjectives that come to mind to... + Add to my selection
16 Dec. 2020 News IRIS ILB Research InSight #FALL2020 Made for times of challenge Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) was established as an answer to... + Add to my selection
14 Dec. 2020 Financial transition ILB Web TV: Is it normal that shareholders’ liability is always limited While the primary role of companies has long been to maximise the profits of their... + Add to my selection
29 Oct. 2020 Demographic transition Notebook The crisis and beyond: academic insights and recommendations for France The fight against the Covid-19 pandemic continues and is unfortunately not yet won. The latest... + Add to my selection
20 Oct. 2020 Financial transition Opinions& Debates Should the liability of shareholders always be limited? While the primary role of companies has traditionally been to maximize profits for their shareholders... + Add to my selection
2 Jul. 2020 Environmental transition [Report] – Portfolio’s Alignment with Low-Carbon Trajectories While a growing number of investors are communicating about the alignment of their investment portfolios... + Add to my selection