Forum Private Assets 2024 Cet événement est passé. 20 June @ 9 H 00 min - 18 H 30 min This event is in french. ANNUAL EDITION | THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2024 | 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM | VERSO CONFERENCE CENTER, PARIS After a year marked by rising interest rates and tightening financing conditions, private investments have, for some, slowed down. While various classes of real and private assets remain generally attractive for institutional investors, what does 2024 hold in store? L’AGEFI invites you to a comprehensive overview at the 6th edition of the Private Assets Forum, returning a bit earlier this year and taking place on June 20th at the Verso conference center. Does private debt still stand out in a dynamic of vigorous growth? What performance can be expected in private equity if the macroeconomic context improves and which segments remain attractive? As infrastructure proves essential to successfully carry out the necessary ecological transition, what types of assets and projects should be chosen for profitability? What niches are preserved in real estate? These are just a few questions, among others, that our discussions will address at this essential meeting for institutional investors and asset managers. Don’t miss out on this new edition and reserve your spot now! Access is free for LPs – institutional investors and family offices. 3 reasons to participate in this event: A comprehensive overview of opportunities & challenges in the real estate, infrastructure, private debt, and private equity markets Concrete discussions led by L’AGEFI journalists, facilitating real sharing of experiences between managers and institutional investors Multiple networking opportunities, with over 200 participants registered each year A unique event in Paris entirely dedicated to investments in real and private assets: Real Estate, Infrastructure, Private Equity, and Private Debt. Registration Organizer L’AGEFI Location centre de conférence Verso