At a time when talk of artificial intelligence is multiplying, health data is often presented as a real “gold mine”. Their exploitation would be capable of generating major progress in terms of knowledge about health in all its dimensions (epidemiology, risks associated with treatments, health inequalities, environment and health, care system, etc.).

Beyond the rhetoric associated with this issue, we need to look at the current state of use of health data: what health data is really available? Who can access it and for what purposes? To what extent do these uses contribute to the pursuit of the general interest?




Emmanuel Bacry
Scientific Director of the Health Data Hub

Scientific Director of the Health Data Hub, Emmanuel Bacry is a research director at the CNRS at the University of Paris-Dauphine PSL. For more than 4 years, he was Professor of Mathematics and head of the Big Data & Data Science Initiative at the Ecole Polytechnique. National and international expert in AI and president of various summer schools on AI and data science, Emmanuel Bacry is a graduate of ENS Paris and holds a PhD in mathematics. He obtained his habilitation to direct research in 1996 and is also a member of several French and international scientific boards and committees.

Nathalie Beslay
Partner of Beslay+Avocats, specialist in health innovation

Nathalie Beslay manages the legal and judicial skills of Beslay+Avocats, integrating knowledge of the regulatory, economic and technological environment of the health sector, based on methodologies of legal project management, contractual architecture, regulatory path, risk management and realistic and operational defence strategies. She holds a DESS in Common Market Law (Paris I ASSAS-SORBONNE) and a DEA in Philosophy of Law (Paris II ASSAS).

Jean-Louis Davet
Chairman of DENOS Medical Assistance and Executive Director of the DENOS Group

Jean-Louis Davet is a graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Paris and the Pierre et Marie Curie University. After a career in the robotics and automation industry, he became associate director of several strategy consulting firms. He was CEO of MGEN from 2009 to 2017, and then became fully involved in the creation of the VYV group, which resulted from the merger of the MGEN, Istya and Harmonie insurance and health services groups, of which he became Deputy CEO. In 2019, Jean-Louis Davet joined the Denos group, which operates internationally in four segments of the health sector: assistance, organisation and support for international care pathways, global support for patients suffering from chronic pathologies, turnkey hospital engineering and hospital strategy consulting, and financing, development and operational management of medtech and biotech.

The round table will be moderated by Chloé Bérut
Chloé Bérut is a member of the PARI Chair and holds a doctorate in political science and is a researcher associated with the Pacte laboratory. Her research focuses on health policies with a specialization on digital health.


The round table will be followed by a cocktail reception in the gardens of Sciences Po.
Access is free but registration is required.


  • Chaire PARI


Sciences Po 27, rue Saint Guillaume, Paris, 75337