ILB Event ILB Webinar: Senior citizens and employment Cet événement est passé. 13 June @ 17 H 00 min - 18 H 00 min The Louis Bachelier Institute and the Chair for the Securing of Career Paths invite you to the presentation of the book Les seniors et l’emploi, which was published on 5 May by Presses de Sciences Po. During this online event, the author Hippolyte d’Albis, research director at the CNRS, professor at the Paris School of Economics and president of the Cercle des économistes, will present the main observations of his work during the writing of the book. Summary An entirely new approach to the employment of older people, which takes into account the changes in occupations and goes beyond the debate on the retirement age. The end of a career is rarely perceived as a period of professional fulfilment for the individuals concerned and as an opportunity for the economy. Senior workers are much more numerous than previous generations, have more women in their ranks, are healthier and generally more qualified. Yet prejudice and discrimination against them persist: their skills are considered obsolete, their abilities declining, their demands neglected. An entirely new approach to their employment is needed, one that takes account of changes in the professions and goes beyond the debate on retirement age. A correct, rewarding and productive professional integration of older workers can only be achieved by means of a global policy that includes lifelong qualification and an adaptation of the working environment and working hours to their needs. *An e-mail will be sent to registrants a few hours before the event with a link to the conference (Microsoft Teams) REGISTRATION (FR) Location Online conference