The Next Frontiers in Sustainable Finance: Research and Data Needs Cet événement est passé. 24 September @ 17 H 00 min - 19 H 00 min This event is in english. Get a fresh start after a hot summer with Pladifes, an extra-financial data-focused research program hosted at the Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB). The conference “The Next Frontiers in Sustainable Finance: Research and Data Needs“, scheduled for September 24th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, is aimed at all types of practitioners: researchers, asset managers, insurers, banks, and regulators who encounter data issues in their sustainable finance journey. Initially designed for academic researchers, Pladifes now addresses a broad range of use cases, from Physical & Transition Risk assessment to Critical Material analysis. To gain more insights about who they are and what they do, join us online or in person at the Palais Brongniart in Paris. We recommend you to come in person for more in-depth exchanges with the experts. After a quick reminder about the entire project, the following topics will be explored: COGEM: The largest Scope 1, 2, and 3 corporate emissions database to date, developed by Pladifes, already used by renowned entities such as the Banque de France and the OECD. CMI: Critical Metal Index, a new price index focused on the evolution of prices of critical metals that are key for the transition, by Capucine Nobletz, Pladifes x Banque de France. CATHERINA: A new module to assess the economic damages tied to future tropical cyclones, developed by Theo Le Guenedal in partnership with Pladifes. Roundtable: What data are we missing to build a sustainable future? Experts from within and outside the ILB will discuss the extra steps needed to address current major issues, a crucial discussion at the heart of many practitioners’ daily challenges. The presentation and the roundtable will be followed by an interactive live and online Q&A session and a cocktail reception. Finance has to do its part, and it has to do it now. The ILB, with its dedicated entities such as Pladifes and PARC, is paving the way toward science-based advances, amplifying the impact of top research on sustainable finance journey. Stop chasing the 1.5°C rainbow on your own and join the network. More information will be available soon. Register now to secure your place. About Pladifes Led by the Louis Bachelier Institute, in partnership with the EUROFIDAI UAR CNRS 3390 laboratory, ESSEC, IFA and the finance innovation competitiveness cluster, the Plate-Forme De Calcul Numérique, Intelligence Artificielle et Base Internationale de Données Environnementales, Financières et Sociétales à Fréquence Elevée (Equipex PLADIFES) has been selected within the framework of the Investissements d’avenir 2021 (ANR-21-ESRE-0036). PLADIFES aims at facilitating research in traditional finance as well as green and sustainable finance. This is partly enabled by providing access to financial and extra-financial data for academics on the Eurofidai website. Another lever is the ILB PLADIFES Teams, which offer custom sustainable finance data creation services and privileged access to ESG databases. They are also the main craftsmen of the ESG data cartography. Registration Organizer ILB Labs, PARC – Paris Agreement Research Commons, pladifes Location Hybrid: online and at Palais Brongniart, 28 Pl. de la Bourse, Paris, 75002 France