
Last modification: 06/27/2024

Institut Louis Bachelier

Association of law 1901

The Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) is an association under the Association of law 1901, created in 2008 under the impetus of the General Directorate of the Treasury and the Caisse des Dépôts. Its main objective is to bring together academic institutions, companies and public authorities in order to shed light on economic issues through excellent scientific research.

  • Jean-Michel BEACCO, General Delegate of the Institut Louis Bachelier
  • Ryadh BENLAHRECH, Communication & Engagement Director, Journalist
  • Louis BOULANGER, Director ILB Labs
  • Mourad KOLLI, Administration and Finance Director

  • André LEVY-LANG, President of the Institut Louis Bachelier
  • Elyès JOUINI, Vice-president Academy
  • Didier VALET, Vice-president Industry

8 Members

  • Jean-Michel BEACCO, General Delegate of the Institut Louis Bachelier
  • Jean BERTHON, Risk Foundation
  • Edouard-François de LENCQUESAING, EIFR
  • Dominique LEBLANC, ESL France
  • Benoit HUBAUD, Société Générale
  • Didier JANCI, IP Paris
  • Florence PICARD, Institut des Actuaires
  • Nizar TOUZI, Ecole Polytechnique


7 Invited

  • André LÉVY-LANG, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institut Louis Bachelier
  • Arnaud DE BRESSON, Europlace Institute of Finance
  • Nicole EL KAROUI, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
  • Christian GOURIÉROUX, Toulouse School of Economics, CREST, Université de Toronto
  • Elyès JOUINI, Université Paris-Dauphine
  • Jean-Hervé LORENZI, Cercle des Économistes
  • Bertrand VILLENEUVE, Université Paris-Dauphine

  • André LÉVY-LANG, Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Pauline BARRIEU, London School of Economics
  • Jean BOISSINOT, Advisor to the Governors of the Banque de France
  • Nicole EL KAROUI, Professor at Sorbonne University
  • Béatrice GUEDJ, Director of Research & Innovation, Swiss Life Asset Managers France
  • Guillaume HOLLARD, École Polytechnique
  • Elyès JOUINI, University Professor, Director of House of Finance – Dauphine and Vice-President of the Institut Louis Bachelier
  • Guy LALANNE, Former Head of Economic Analysis at the Directorate General of the Treasury – DGT
  • Isabelle LAUDIER, Head of the CDC Research Institute at the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
  • Pierre-Louis LIONS, Professor at the Collège de France
  • Léonore RAGUIDEAU-HANNOTIN, Directorate General of the Treasury
  • Pierre REBOUL, Reboul & Co
  • Mathieu ROSENBAUM, École Polytechnique
  • Didier VALET, President of the Europlace Institute of Finance and Vice-President of the Institut Louis Bachelier
  • Natacha VALLA, Sciences Po

9 Corporate Members

  • HEC
  • Ecole Polytechnique
  • ENSAE Paris
  • Toulouse School of Economics
  • Université Paris-Dauphine
  • Europlace Institute of Finance
  • Risk Foundation
  • Direction Générale du Trésor 
  • Caisse des Dépôts 

Honorary Members

  • Elyès JOUINI, Chairman of the Scientific Board
  • René AID, Université Paris-Dauphine
  • Clémence ALASSEUR, EDF
  • Emmanuel BACRY, CNRS
  • Jean-Michel BEACCO, Institut Louis Bachelier
  • Marie BRIERE, Amundi
  • Anna CRETI, Université Paris-Dauphine
  • Patricia CRIFO, Ecole Polytechnique
  • Michel CROUHY, Natixis
  • Nicole EL KAROUI, Sorbonne-Université
  • Caroline HILLAIRET, ENSAE Paris
  • Monique JEANBLANC, Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne
  • Gaëlle LE FOL, Université Paris-Dauphine
  • Charles Albert LEHALLE, Global Head of Quantitative R&D at Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA)
  • Sandrine LEMERY, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of the FRR and Vice-Chairwoman of the Institute of Actuaries
  • Florian PELGRIN, EDHEC
  • Christophe PERIGNON, HEC Paris
  • Mathieu ROSENBAUM, Ecole Polytechnique, Sorbonne Université
  • Peter TANKOV, ENSAE Paris
  • Nizar TOUZI, Ecole Polytechnique, Scientific Director of the Risk Foundation
  • Bertrand VILLENEUVE, University of Paris-Dauphine, Scientific Delegate of Labex FCD
  • Stéphane VILLENEUVE, Toulouse School of Economics

Europlace Institute of Finance

Foundation recognised by public utility

The Europlace Institute of Finance, a foundation recognised as being of public utility, develops academic research in economics and finance, based on the problems of companies. Its main objectives are:

  • To generate regular exchanges between academic researchers and professionals, in order to consolidate the Paris financial centre as a key forum for reflection on the many issues facing the banking, finance, insurance and asset management industry.
  • The provision of scientific answers to the needs of companies, through the financing of calls for projects and the creation of research programmes, supervised by a group of professionals who meet twice a year.

Qualified Individuals

  • Didier VALET, Vice-President of the Institut Louis Bachelier
  • Emilie RIEUPEYROUX, Strategy & Innovation Manager, Euronext Paris
  • Gilbert CETTE, Deputy Director General of Research and International Relations, Banque de France
  • Kheira BENHAMI, Chief Economist, Autorité des Marchés Financiers – AMF
  • Stéphane DEDEYAN, Chief Executive Officer, CNP Assurances
  • Jean-Hervé LORENZI, Cercle des Economistes

Founding Members

  • HSBC, represented by Jean BEUNARDEAU, Director General
  • CRÉDIT AGRICOLE SA, represented by Philippe BRASSAC, Director General
  • CAISSE DES DEPOTS, represented by Isabelle LAUDIER, Head of CDC Institute for Research
  • PARIS EUROPLACE, represented by Augustin DE ROMANET, President
  • SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE, represented by Frédéric OUDEA, Director General

Members by Law

  • Université Paris-Dauphine, represented by El Mouhoub MOUHOUD, President
  • Conseil Régional d’Ile-de-France, represented by Valérie PÉCRESSE, President

1 Member Friend

  • André LÉVY-LANG, President, Institut Louis Bachelier.

  • President: Monsieur Didier VALET, ILB
  • Vice-President: Monsieur Denis MARQUET, Crédit Agricole S.A.
  • Treasurer: Monsieur Benoît HUBAUD, Société Générale
  • Secretary General: Madame Samia BRISSON, ILB

  • Alain BENSOUSSAN, University of Texas
  • Pierre-André CHIAPPORI, Columbia University
  • Christian de BOISSIEU, Panthéon Sorbonne Université Paris 1
  • François DEGEORGE, Swiss Finance Institute
  • Bernard DUMAS, INSEAD
  • Ivar EKELAND, University of British Columbia
  • Denis GROMB, HEC Paris (✞)
  • Bertrand JACQUILLAT, Associés en Finance
  • Marco PAGANO, Universita di Salerno
  • Jean-Charles ROCHET, Toulouse School of Economics
  • Jose A. SCHEINKMAN, Princeton University
  • Bruno SOLNIK, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Risk Foundation

Foundation recognised by public utility

The Risk Foundation was created in 2007 on the initiative of four academic institutions (Centre Economique des Actuaires, École Polytechnique, ENSAE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL) and four financial institutions (Allianz (formerly AGF), Axa, Groupama and Société Générale), in order to contribute to the long-term development of French research potential in all areas of risk.

Qualified Individuals

  • André LÉVY-LANG, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • Jean BERTHON, Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • Marie BRIERE, Amundi
  • Jean-Hervé LORENZI, President of the Cercle des Economistes
  • Philippe TRAINAR, SCOR

Founding Members

  • ALLIANZ, represented by Pierre VAYSSE, Leader Ecosystème Ma Santé and Director Technique Collectives
  • AXA, represented by Marie BOGATAJ, Director of the Axa Research Fund
  • GROUPAMA, represented by René CADO, Risk Management Officer
  • SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE, represented by Sadia RICKE, Risk Manager

Members by Law

  • Institut des Actuaires, represented by Philippe TALLEUX, President
  • Ecole Polytechnique, represented by Dominique ROSSIN, Director of Education and Research
  • ENSAE Paris, represented by Catherine GAUDY, Executive Director of GENES
  • Université Paris-Dauphine, represented by El Mouhoub MOUHOUD, President

  • Jean-Michel BEACCO, Chairman of the Management Board
  • Alain DIVE, GENES
  • Elyès JOUINI, Université Paris-Dauphine
  • Florence PICARD, Institut des Actuaires
  • Nizar TOUZI, Ecole Polytechnique

  • Alain BENSOUSSAN, UT Dallas
  • Pauline BARRIEU, London School of Economics
  • René CARMONA, Princeton University
  • Catherine CASAMATTA, Toulouse School of Economics
  • Gabrielle DEMANGE, Toulouse School of Economics
  • George DIONNE, HEC Montréal
  • Thierry FOUCAULT, HEC
  • Jean-Pierre FOUQUE, UC Santa Barbara
  • Bernard SALANIÉ, Columbia University
  • Eric MOULINES, Ecole Polytechnique
  • Mete SONER, Princeton University
  • Yacine T-SAHALIA, Princeton University
  • Nizar TOUZI, Ecole Polytechnique