
Mean Field Type Control with Congestion (II): An Augmented Lagrangian Method.

Augmented lagrangian, Congestion, Mean field type control

Mean Field Type Control with Congestion (II): An Augmented Lagrangian Method.

Augmented lagrangian, Congestion, Mean field type control

Systems of interacting particles, gradient flow approach in Wasserstein space.

Augmented lagrangian, Benamou-Brenier formula, Cross-Diffusion, Crowd motions, Diffusions croisées, Diffusions non linéaires, Distance de Wasserstein, Dérive non locale, Espèces en interaction, Flots de gradient, Formule de Benamou-Brenier, Gradient flows, Hele-Shaw equation, Interacting species, JKO scheme, Lagrangien augmenté, Mouvement de foules, Multi-Marginal transport, Nonlinear diffusions, Nonlocal drift, Optimal transport, Reaction-Diffusion systems, Schéma JKO, Splitting, Systèmes de réaction-Diffusion, Transport multi-Marges, Transport optimal, Wasserstein distance, Équations d'Hele-Shaw

Augmented Lagrangian methods for transport optimization, Mean-Field Games and degenerate PDEs.

Augmented Lagrangian, Degenerate elliptic PDEs, Mean-Field Games, Monge Problem, Optimal Transport

An augmented Lagrangian approach to Wasserstein gradient flows and applications.

Augmented Lagrangian, Benamou-Brenier formulation, Crowd motions, Granular media, Non-linear diffusion, Semi-implicit JKO scheme, Systems, Wasserstein gradient flows

An Augmented Lagrangian Numerical approach to solving Mean-Fields Games.

Augmented Lagrangian, Douglas Rachford, Mean field games

An augmented Lagrangian approach to Wasserstein gradient flows and applications.

Augmented Lagrangian, Benamou-Brenier formulation, Crowd motions, Granular media, Non-linear diffusion, Semi-implicit JKO scheme, Systems, Wasserstein gradient flows

Variational methods for Hamilton-Jacobi equations and applications.

Augmented Lagrangian, Dualité de Fenchel-Rockafellar, Fenchel-Rockafellar duality, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Lagrangien augmenté, Optimal transport, Shape from Shading, Transport optimal, Équations d’Hamilton-Jacobi