
The structural determinants of carbon prices in the EU-ETS.

Analyse empirique, Applied microeconomics, Carbon markets, Climate policy, Comportement des firmes, Empirical analysis, Eu ets, Firm behavior, Marchés carbone, Microéconomie appliquée, Politique climatique, SEQE

State of the Low-Carbon Energy Union: Assessing the EU’s progress towards its 2030 and 2050 climate objectives.

Climate policy, Decarbonisation, European Union

Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in France.

Climate policy, Decarbonization, Décarbonisation, France, Politique climatique, Prospective, Scenario

Locked into Copenhagen pledges — Implications of short-term emission targets for the cost and feasibility of long-term climate goals.

AMPERE, Climate policy, Copenhagen pledges, Greenhouse gas emissions, Mitigation

A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategies.

COP21, Climate Policy, Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project, Paris Agreement

Low climate stabilisation under diverse growth and convergence scenarios.

Abatement cost, Climate policy, Convergence, Economic growth, Energy forecasting, Energy systems, Partial Equilibrium models

White Knights: will wind and solar come to the rescue of a looming capacity gap from nuclear phase-out or slow CCS start-up?

CCS, Climate policy, Nuclear energy, Phase-out, Renewable energy

The role of conventional and unconventional gases in Asia's energy transition.

Climate policy, Energy, Energy transition, Gas market, Gaz de schiste, Gaz non-Conventionnel, Marché du gaz, Politique climatique, Shale gas, Transition énergétique, Unconventional gas, Énergie

National Soft Landing CO2 trajectories under global carbon budgets.

Climate policy, National emission reduction, REDEM, Simulation

Pathways to Deep Decarbonization 2015 report.

Climate policy, Decarbonization, Décarbonisation, Politique climatique, Prospective, Scenario

Introduction. A critical overview of the European National Energy and Climate Plans.

Climate policy, Energy policy, European Union, NECP

Output-based allocations in pollution markets with uncertainty and self-selection.

Climate policy, Market volatility, Output-based allocation, Pollution market, Rent-seeking, Self-selection