
Entrepreneurial orientation: roots and buds.

Coroprate entrepreneurship, Critique, Entrepreneurial orientation, Entrepreneuriat organisationnel, Firm-level entrepreneurship, Orientation entrepreneuriale, Taxonomie, Taxonomy

Contribution to the understanding of the effect of corporate culture and the psychological profile of the manager on the entrepreneurial orientation of French SMEs.

Approche des configurations, Configuration approach, Culture entrepreneuriale, Entrepreneurial culture, Entrepreneurial orientation, French SMEs, Leader psychological profile, Orientation entrepreneuriale, PME françaises, Performance, Profil psychologique du dirigeant

Complementary strategic directions and family microenterprises in an emerging economy.

Emerging Economy, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Family ties, Market Orientation, Micro-Enterprise, Network Ties, Orientation entrepreneuriale, Orientation marché, Économie émergente

Researching Entrepreneurship in Family Firms.

Entrepreneurial behavior, Entrepreneurial orientation, Entrepreneurship, Family, Family business, Governance, Systematic literature review

The entrepreneurial orientation of rapidly internationalizing SMEs and the logic of identifying export opportunities: the case of agro-industrial SMEs in Morocco.

Agribusiness SMEs, Démarche qualitative, Early internationalization, Entrepreneurial orientation, Etude de cas multiples, Export opportunities, Internationalisation rapide, Multiple-Case study, Opportunité d'exportation, Orientation entrepreneuriale, PME agro-Industrielle, Qualitative approach