
Human capital and welfare Human capital and welfare.

Human capital, Transversality condi- tion, Transversality condition Keywords human capital, Unbalanced growth

Three Essays on Intangible Capital in Corporate Finance.

Capital clientèle, Capital humain, Corporate finance, Crédit commercial, Customer capital, Empirical banking, Finance d'entreprise, Fusions-Acquisitions, Human capital, Mergers and acquisitions, Trade credit, Économie bancaire

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), human capital, organizational changes and performance of manufacturing SMEs.

ANOVA test of Welch, Capital humain, Causalité de Granger, Changements organisationnels, Granger causality, Human capital, Ict, Kruskal-Wallis test, Linear regression with dummy variables, Multivariate Probit, Ordered Probit, Organizational change, PME tunisiennes, Performance, Post-hoc tests, Probit multivarié, Probit ordonné, Profitability, Rentabilité, Régression linéaire à variables muettes, Test de Kruskal-Wallis, Test de l’ANOVA de Welch, Tests post-hoc, Tic, Tunisian SMEs

Essays on Capital Structure and Human Capital.

Capital Humain, Capital risque, Corporate Finance, Croissance, Entreprenariat, Entrepreneurship, Finance d'entreprise, Gender, Genre, Growth, Human Capital, Venture capital

United but (un)equal: human capital, probability of divorce, and the marriage contract.

Divorce, Human capital, Marriage

The nature of human capital investments and the design of labor market institutions.

Assurance Chômage, Capital Humain, Education, Efficience, Efficiency, Frictions, Generalists, Généralistes, Heterogeneity, Human Capital, Hétérogénéité, Specialists, Spécialistes, Unemployment Insurance, Éducation

Development, Fertility and Childbearing Age: A Unified Growth Theory.

Births postponement, Childbearing age, Fertility, Human capital, Regime shift

Development, fertility and childbearing age: A unified growth theory.

Births postponement, Childbearing age, Fertility, Human capital, Regime shift

Development, fertility and childbearing age: A Unified Growth Theory.

Births postponement, Childbearing age, Fertility, Human capital, Regime shift

The impact of international migration on the Moroccan economy.

Capital humain, Education of children, Human capital, Migration de retour, Pauvreté au Maroc, Poverty in Morocco, Remittances, Return migration, Transferts des migrants, Éducation des enfants

Health and labor supply : theoretical essays and reflections on the history of economic thought.

Capital Humain, Croissance Économique, Economic Growth, Economic History, Economie Politique, Health, Histoire de la Pensée Économique, Histoire Économique, History of Economic Thought, Human Capital, Labor Supply, Offre de Travail, Political Economy, Progrès Technique, Santé, Technological Change

Migration and Development Research is Moving Far Beyond Remittances.

Cultural, Human capital, Migration, Remittances