
Is inflation driven by survey-based, VAR-based or myopic expectations?

Inflation, Myopic expectations, New Keynesian Phillips Curve, Survey forecasts, VAR-based expectations

Is inflation driven by survey-based, VAR-based or myopic expectations? An empirical assessment from US real-time data.

Inflation, Myopic expectations, New Keynesian Phillips Curve, Survey forecasts, VAR-based expectations

Three essays on central banking.

Banques Centrales, Central Bank Governance, Central Bank Independence, Central Banks, Indépendance des Banques Centrales, Inflation, Legislative Reforms

The Interactions between Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Britain during the French Wars.

Bilan de la banque centrale, Central bank balance sheet, Dette souveraine, Fiscal policy, Inflation, Monetary policy, Politique budgétaire, Politique monétaire, Sovereign debt

Essays on two new central banking debates : central bank financial strength and monetary policy outcome : the instability of the transmission of monetary policy to deposit rates after the global financial crisis.

Banks, Banque Nationale Suisse, Banques, Bilan des banques centrales, Capacité fiscale, Capital banques centrales, Central bank balance sheet, Central bank capital, Central bank financial strength, Central bank law, Central bank solvency, Cointegration, Currency peg, Deposit rates, EURIBOR, Estimations en panel, Exchange rates, Fiscal space, Inflation, Législation banques centrales, Panel estimates, Régime de change fixe, Solidité financière des banques centrales, Solvabilité des banques centrales, Swiss National Bank, System GMM, Système GMM, Taux de changes, Taux de dépôt

Specification analysis of interest rates factors : an international perspective.

Algorithme EM, Analyse en composantes principales, Common and local factors, Courbes des taux internationales, Croissance économique, EM algorithm, Economic growth, Facteurs communs et locaux, Inflation, International bond risk premia, International treasury yield curves, Modèle espace-état, Principal components, Rentabilités en excès des obligations, State-space models

Nominal rigidities: microeconometric analysis of prices and wages.

Inflation, Prix, Rigidité nominale, Salaires

Wage floor rigidity in industry-level agreements: Evidence from France.

Collective bargaining, Inflation, Minimum wage, Wages

More Facts About Prices: France before and during the Great Recession.

Consumer prices, Inflation, Price stickiness, Prix la consommation, Product substitution, Remplacements de produit, Rigidité des prix, Sales, Soldes et promotions

More facts about prices: France before and during the Great Recession.

Consumer prices, Inflation, Price stickiness, Prix la consommation, Product substitution, Remplacements de produit, Rigidité des prix, Sales, Soldes et promotions

The microeconomic adjustment of fuel prices in France.

Inflation, Prix des carburants, Rigidité des prix

Debt enforcement and the value of money.

Debt enforcement, Inflation, Money