
Wine, global warming and corporate strategies: how to anticipate consumer reaction?

Analyse sensorielle, Consommation, Consumption, Experimental market, Global warming, Marché expérimental, Oenological processes, Preferences, Procédés oenologiques, Préférences, Réchauffement climatique, Sensory analysis, Vin, Wine

Wine, global warming and corporate strategies: how to anticipate consumer reaction?

Analyse sensorielle, Consommation, Consumption, Experimental market, Global warming, Marché expérimental, Oenological processes, Preferences, Procédés oenologiques, Réchauffement climatique, Sensory analysis, Vin, Wine

The vine and wine industry facing climate change by 2050: prospective and strategic reflection with the actors of the vine and wine industry, results of the six regional forums.

Adaptation, Changement climatique, Prospective, Vigne, Vin

A prospective for the vine and wine sector in the context of climate change.

Adaptation, Changement climatique, Prospective, Vigne, Vin, Vituculture

A prospective for the vine and wine sector in the context of climate change.

Adaptation, Changement climatique, Prospective, Vigne, Vin, Vituculture

Environmental challenges in viticulture: a behavioral analysis of blockages and levers for action.

Behavioural economics, Développement durable, Enchères expérimentales, Experimental auctions, Nudges, Sustainable developement, Vin, Wine, Économie comportementale

The French vineyard to the test of climate change.

Changement climatique, Résistanve, Vigne, Vin, Viticulture

The French vineyard to the test of climate change.

Changement climatique, Résistance, Vigne, Vin, Viticulture

Adaptation to climate change: strategic issues to face for the French wine industry.

Adaptation, Arôme, Azote, Changement climatique, Cinétique de fermentation, Climate Change, France, Modélisation, Nutriment, Oenologie, Oxygène, Température, Vin, Vinification, Wine Industry

The vine and wine industry facing climate change by 2050: prospective and strategic reflection with the actors of the vine and wine industry, results of the six regional forums.

Adaptation, Changement Climatique, Prospective, Vigne, Vin