
Action Control of Colorectal Cancer Screening Participation with fecal immunochemical test (FIT).

Colorectal cancer, Intention-behavior gap, Planning, Screening, Theory of planned behavior

Psychosocial determinants of participation in colorectal cancer screening: issues in the arrival of the new immunological test.

Cancer colorectal, Colorectal cancer, Dépistage, General population, General practitioners, Immunological test, Médecins généralistes, Population générale, Screening, Test immunologique

Psychosocial determinants of participation in colorectal cancer screening: issues in the arrival of the new immunological test.

Cancer colorectal, Colorectal cancer, Dépistage, General population, General practitioners, Immunological test, Médecins généralistes, Population générale, Screening, Test immunologique

Understanding barriers and facilitators to participation in colorectal cancer screening: A French qualitative study.

colorectal cancer, general population, immunochemical test, screening, theory of social representations

Efficiency in health ressource allocation : three empirical studies in Eastern Sub-Sahara Africa and Southeast Asia.

Accidents de la circulation, Accidents de la route, Allocation des ressources, Breast cancer, Cancer colorectal, Cancer du col utérin, Cancer du sein, Cervical cancer, Colorectal cancer, Cost-effectiveness analysis, Couverture sanitaire universelle, Coût-efficacité, Expansion path, HIV, Impact modelling, Intervention costing, Malaria, Modélisation des impacts, Paludisme, Priority setting, Priorités en santé, Resource allocation, Road safety, Road traffic injury, Sécurité routière, Trajectoire d’expansion, Tuberclose, Tuberculosis, Universal health coverage, VIH, Value for money, WHO-CHOICE, Évaluation des coûts