Optimal Control of Predictive Mean-Field Equations and Applications to Finance.

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Book Chapter
Summary We study a coupled system of controlled stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by a Brownian motion and a compensated Poisson random measure, consisting of a forward SDE in the unknown process X(t) and a predictive mean-field backward SDE (BSDE) in the unknowns Y(t),Z(t),K(t,⋅). The driver of the BSDE at time t may depend not just upon the unknown processes Y(t),Z(t),K(t,⋅), but also on the predicted future value Y(t+δ), defined by the conditional expectation A(t):=E[Y(t+δ)|Ft]. We give a sufficient and a necessary maximum principle for the optimal control of such systems, and then we apply these results to the following two problems: (i) Optimal portfolio in a financial market with an insider influenced asset price process. (ii) Optimal consumption rate from a cash flow modeled as a geometric Itô-Lévy SDE, with respect to predictive recursive utility.acceptedVersio.
Springer International Publishing
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