Seminar of Probability XLVIII.

  • BEIGLBOCK Mathias
  • HUESMANN Martin
  • STEBEGG Florian
  • JUILLET Nicolas
  • PAGES Gilles
  • DEVULDER Alexis
  • BARCZY Matyas
  • KERN Peter
  • BAILLEUL Ismael
  • ANGST Jurgen
  • TARDIF Camille
  • PRIVAULT Nicolas
  • BEHME Anita
  • LINDNER Alexander
  • MAEJIMA Makoto
  • LECOUVEY Cedric
  • RASCHEL Kilian
  • PROFETA Christophe
  • SIMON Thomas
  • KHORUNZHIY Oleskiy
  • LI Songzi
  • MAUNOURY Franck
  • LAURENT Stephane
  • AKSAMIT Anna
  • LI Libo
  • WERNER Wendelin
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Summary In addition to its further exploration of the subject of peacocks, introduced in recent Séminaires de Probabilités, this volume continues the series’ focus on current research themes in traditional topics such as stochastic calculus, filtrations and random matrices. Also included are some particularly interesting articles involving harmonic measures, random fields and loop soups. The featured contributors are Mathias Beiglböck, Martin Huesmann and Florian Stebegg, Nicolas Juillet, Gilles Pags, Dai Taguchi, Alexis Devulder, Mátyás Barczy and Peter Kern, I. Bailleul, Jürgen Angst and Camille Tardif, Nicolas Privault, Anita Behme, Alexander Lindner and Makoto Maejima, Cédric Lecouvey and Kilian Raschel, Christophe Profeta and Thomas Simon, O. Khorunzhiy and Songzi Li, Franck Maunoury, Stéphane Laurent, Anna Aksamit and Libo Li, David Applebaum, and Wendelin Werner. .
Springer International Publishing
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