Approximate Option Pricing in the Lévy Libor Model.

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Book Chapter
Summary In this paper we consider the pricing of options on interest rates such as caplets and swaptions in the Levy Libor model developed by Eberlein and Ozkan (Financ. Stochast. 9:327-348 (2005) [9]). This model is an extension to Levy driving processes of the classical log-normal Libor market model (LMM) driven by a Brownian motion. Option pricing is significantly less tractable in this model than in the LMM due to the appearance of stochastic terms in the jump part of the driving process when performing the measure changes which are standard in pricing of interest rate derivatives. To obtain explicit approximation for option prices, we propose to treat a given Levy Libor model as a suitable perturbation of the log-normal LMM. The method is inspired by recent works by Cerný, Denkl, and Kallsen (Preprint (2013) [6]) and Menasse and Tankov (Preprint (2015) [14]). The approximate option prices in the Levy Libor model are given as the corresponding LMM prices plus correction terms which depend on the characteristics of the underlying Levy process and some additional terms obtained from the LMM model.
Springer International Publishing
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