Proposition of Eco-Feature: A New CAD/PLM Data Model for an LCA Tool.

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Book Chapter
Summary Today, the environmental problems become serious and they are highlighted in regulations frameworks. Then, the use of Life cycle assessment (LCA) tools, for assessing products environmental impacts, is necessary, till Computer Aided Design (CAD) phase, for manufactures aiming at guarding their market places. Required LCA data (processes) can be provided from CAD and Product Life Management integrated systems (CAD/PLM), which became a necessity for industries to manage easily their data. In this paper, we propose a new CAD data model oriented ecodesign which we name " Eco-feature " , based on the exploration of CAD/LCA systems to extract possible features life cycle scenarios, in order to select the most ecological one. Hence, firstly, we present the state of the art of researches aiming at connecting CAD/PLM systems to LCA tools. Secondly we present our new approach and describe its advantages. Finally, we present a case study to valid the new proposed concept.
Springer International Publishing
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