Multi-Armed Bandit Learning in IoT Networks: Learning Helps Even in Non-stationary Settings.

  • BESSON Lilian
  • MOY Christophe
  • KAUFMANN Emilie
  • PALICOT Jacques
Publication date
Publication type
Book Chapter
Summary Setting up the future Internet of Things (IoT) networks will require to support more and more communicating devices. We prove that intelligent devices in unlicensed bands can use Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) learning algorithms to improve resource exploitation. We evaluate the performance of two classical MAB learning algorithms, UCB1 and Thompson Sampling, to handle the decentralized decision-making of Spectrum Access, applied to IoT networks. as well as learning performance with a growing number of intelligent end-devices. We show that using learning algorithms does help to fit more devices in such networks, even when all end-devices are intelligent and are dynamically changing channel. In the studied scenario, stochastic MAB learning provides a up to 16% gain in term of successful transmission probabilities, and has near optimal performance even in non-stationary and non-i.i.d. settings with a majority of intelligent devices.
Springer International Publishing
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