On the estimation of density-weighted average derivative by wavelet methods under various dependence structures.

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Journal Article
Summary The problem of estimating the density-weighted average derivative of a regression function is considered. We present a new consistent estimator based on a plug-in approach and wavelet projections. Its performances are explored under various dependence structures on the observations: the independent case, the $\rho$-mixing case and the $\alpha$-mixing case. More precisely, denoting $n$ the number of observations, in the independent case, we prove that it attains $1/n$ under the mean squared error, in the $\rho$-mixing case, $1/\sqrt{n}$ under the mean absolute error, and, in the $\alpha$-mixing case, $\sqrt{\ln n /n}$ under the mean absolute error. A short simulation study illustrates the theory.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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