Annular flow microreactor: An efficient tool for kinetic studies in gas phase at very short residence times.

  • MOULIS Frantisek
  • ZHANG Jie
  • COMMENGE Jean marc
  • SCHAER Eric
  • MARQUAIRE Paul marie
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary This study deals with the modelling of a tubular flow microreactor and an annular flow microreactor that are used for kinetic studies of thermal reactions (873-1273K) at very short residence times (10-100 ms). The construction of a kinetic model on the basis of experimental reaction data requires the precise characterization of the thermal behaviour and the hydrodynamics of the reactor. In kinetic studies, the reactor is usually considered as an isothermal Plug Flow Reactor. In this paper, we demonstrate that an annular flow microreactor used at very short residence time not only leads to a temperature profile which is better controlled than in a tubular flow microreactor, but also to less axial dispersion for laminar flow. The comparison between both reactors is performed on the basis of temperature measurements, RTD measurements at room temperature, dimensionless numbers calculations and Computational Fluid Dynamics in typical reaction conditions.
Elsevier BV
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