Information dissemination framework for context-aware products.

  • KUBLER Sylvain
  • DERIGENT William
  • RONDEAU Eric
  • THOMAS Andre
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary In recent years, some scholars claimed the usage of intelligent products to make systems more efficient throughout the Product Life Cycle (PLC). Integrating intelligence and information into products themselves is possible with, among others, auto-ID technologies (barcode, RFID,.). In this paper, a new kind of intelligent product is introduced, referred to as "communicating material" paradigm. Through this paradigm, a product is i) capable of embedding information on all or parts of the material that it is made of, ii) capable of undergoing physical transformations without losing its communication ability and the data that is stored on it. This new material is used in our study to convey information between the different actors of the PLC, thus improving data interoperability, availability and sustainability. Although "communicating materials" provide new abilities compared to conventional products, they still have low memory capacities compared to product databases that become larger and larger. An information dissemination framework is developed in this paper to select the appropriate information to be stored on the product, at different stages of the PLC. This appropriateness is based on a degree of data relevance, which is computed by taking into account the context of use of the product (actor's expectations, environment,.). This framework also provides the tools to split information on all or parts of the material. A case study is presented, which aims at embedding context-sensitive information on "communicating textiles".
Elsevier BV
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