Storage as a flexibility option in power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy sources: a POLES-based analysis.

  • DESPRES Jacques
  • MIMA Silvana
  • KITOUS Alban
  • CRIQUI Patrick
  • HADJSAID Nouredine
  • NOIROT Isabelle
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary In this paper we demonstrate the role of electricity storage for the integration of high shares of Variable Renewable Energy Sources (VRES 3) in the long-term evolution of the power system. For this a new electricity module is developed in POLES (Prospective Outlook on Long-term Energy Systems). It now takes into account the impacts of VRES on the European power system. The power system operation relies on EUCAD (European Unit Commitment And Dispatch), which includes daily storage and other inter-temporal constraints. The innovative aspect of our work is the direct coupling between POLES and EUCAD, thus combining a long-term simulation horizon and a short-term approach for the power system operation. The storage technologies represented are pumped-hydro storage, lithium-ion batteries, adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (a-CAES) and electric vehicles (charging optimisation and vehicle-to-grid). Demand response and European grid interconnections are also represented, in order to include to some extent these flexibility options. 2 Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission. 3 Abbreviations: a-CAES: adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage CCS: Carbon Capture and Storage.
Elsevier BV
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