Prospective mortality tables: Taking heterogeneity into account.

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Journal Article
Summary The present article illustrates an approach to construct prospective mortality tables for which the data available are composed by heterogeneous groups observed during different periods. Without explicit consideration of heterogeneity, it is necessary to reduce the period of observation at the intersection of the different populations observation periods. This reduction of the available history can arm the determination of the mortality trend and its extrapolation. We propose a model taking explicitly into account the heterogeneity, so as to preserve the entire history available for all populations. We use local kernel-weighted log-likelihood techniques to graduate the observed mortality. The extrapolation of the smoothed surface is performed by identifying the mortality components and their importance over time using singular values decomposition. Then time series methods are used to extrapolate the time-varying coefficients. We investigate the divergences in the mortality surfaces generated by a number of previously proposed models on three levels. These concern the proximity between the observations and the model, the regularity of the fit as well as the plausibility and consistency of the mortality trends.
Elsevier BV
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