Finding best practices for automotive glazing recycling: a network optimization model.

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Journal Article
Summary In a recycling scheme such as the recycling of End of Life Vehicle (ELV) materials, the different takeholders are expected to configure the operation process and product distribution to maximize their own profits. In many cases, however, these individual optimizations do not correspond to the maximal profit for the whole chain. In addition, financial autonomy must be carefully studied and controlled so as to ensure an conomically viable recycling chain. This paper proposes a cost-benefit parameterized model for the ELV glazing recycling scheme, both for network configuration and material flow sizing. The model is mapped using real ground data from French industrial partners, and a linear programming technique is used to optimize the network for maximum profit. The sensitivity of this economic performance in different situations is analyzed by varying key variables of the model. Results show that, while the current glazing recycling situation is not economically viable, a national glazing recycling network could actually become beneficial for all stakeholders under certain conditions that are likely to appear in the near future. Several scenarios for the recycling network are simulated to determine the best practices for each of the network scenarios.
Elsevier BV
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