A cost and benefit analysis of future end-of-life vehicle glazing recycling in France: A systematic approach.

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Journal Article
Summary As with other European countries, the French automotive industry needs to improve the End of Life Vehicle (ELV) recycling rate in order to reach the minimum reuse and recovery rate required by EU directives. This paper proposes a model to investigate the potential cost and benefit of ELV glazing recycling for all value-chain stakeholders, and for the network as a whole. Key parameters of future changes, namely glass cullet price, landfill cost, network coverage and transportation costs are identified at the level of field research. A system dynamics approach is then used to model the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and to simulate the effect of changing these parameters on the cost and benefit of the glazing recycling chain. The simulation reveals an increase in the income and considerable cost savings as a result of the recycling network of future scenarios.
Elsevier BV
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