Heavy vehicles on the road towards the circular economy: Analysis and comparison with the automotive industry.

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Journal Article
Summary With 270 million light vehicles and 20 million heavy-duty and off-road (HDOR) vehicles in use in the European Union, the automotive and HDOR industries form two major sectors of the European economy. Each year, 12 million light vehicles plus 1 million HDOR vehicles reach the end of their lives. In a circular economy perspective, the following two questions are of growing concern: (i) to what extent is the circular economy achieved and implemented in the automotive and HDOR sectors? (ii) what industrial practices and regulations are prevalent and commendable for the circular economy? The end-of-life management of light vehicles (subject to the ELV Directive 2000/53/EC) has been widely studied in the literature, but the end-of-life stage of HDOR vehicles has long been neglected by researchers. To fill this gap, both extensive literature survey and in-depth industrial investigations were conducted. Key factors, i.e. regulations, business models and market evolution, and integration of new emerging technologies affecting the circular economy performance of the automotive and HDOR sectors were analysed. Lessons learned from best industrial practices are highlighted, and remaining challenges for a more circular economy are identified. The two industries are compared in terms of the four buildings blocks of the circular economy and the four possible feedback loops defined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. This research contribution can lead on to practical applications, e.g. help industrial practitioners and policy makers take up the challenges and seize opportunities to close the loops for HDOR vehicles through different approaches.
Elsevier BV
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