Infrastructure maintenance, regeneration and service quality economics: A rail example.

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Journal Article
Summary This paper proposes a formalized framework for the joint economic optimization of continuous maintenance and periodic regeneration of rail transport infrastructure taking into account output consisting not only in traffic levels but also in track service quality. In contrast with much optimization work pertaining to spatially contiguous maintenance works, its principal economic emphasis and objective focus are centered on the optimal allocation of current maintenance and periodic renewal expenses, on their yearly distribution among large network partitions, and on infrastructure pricing. The model equations are based on very simple assumptions of infrastructure degradation laws and on a manager's objective function optimized through optimal control procedures. Equations are tested on national French rail track segment databases using Box–Cox transformations and match rail regeneration and maintenance practices prevailing in France. More generally, the paper makes a broad contribution to capital theory, on the optimal maintenance and renewal of equipment, and defines a method applicable not only to other transport infrastructure but to a wide range of capital goods, including housing, cars and industrial machines.
Elsevier BV
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