Spin torque efficiency modulation in a double-barrier magnetic tunnel junction with a read/write mode control layer.

  • CHAVENT Antoine
  • COELHO Paulo
  • CHATTERJEE Jyotirmoy
  • STRELKOV Nikita
  • AUFFRET Stephane
  • SOUSA Ricardo
  • VILA Laurent
  • PREJBEANU Ioan lucian
  • DIENY Bernard
  • BARADUC Claire
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Publication type
Journal Article
Summary To improve the read/write margin in perpendicular spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM), a concept of the double-magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) MRAM cell is proposed in which the STT efficiency can be changed between read and write modes. In conventional double-MTJ stacks, the storage layer magnetization is submitted to two additive STT contributions, one from the reference layer below the bottom tunnel barrier and the other from an additional polarizing layer above the top tunnel barrier. In the proposed stack, the magnetization of the top polarizing layer can be switched between the read and write mode by domain wall propagation or spin orbit torque. This allows us to maximize the STT on the storage layer during write and minimize it during read. The associated advantages are a lower write current, reduced read disturb, maximal magnetoresistance amplitude during read, and faster read thanks to larger read current. We report here the experimental demonstration of this concept on perpendicular double-MTJ stacks.
American Chemical Society (ACS)
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