The entry of logistics service provider (LSP) into the wine industry supply chain.

  • FULCONIS Francois
  • BEDE Didier
  • SAGLIETTO Laurence
  • GOES Joice de almeira
  • PACHE Gilles
  • FORRADELAS Raymundo
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary The purpose of this paper is to study the wine industry supply chain (WSC) organization from a social network approach, with an emphasis on the role of logistics service providers (LSP) could hold in the flow monitoring. We try to understand if LSP can be a substitute to traditional actors for intermediation management. This substitution phenomenon must take account of the wine industry culture that may constitute an obstruction or an accelerator for the development of this activity. We present a conceptual model of the WSC, and we discuss the possible future role of the LSP. This paper introduces a framework contributing to understand worldwide WSC organization, mapping tools and strategies to assess the reasons of their evolution. The cultural impact is underlined in this type of industry showing it could present a boundary to market access for LSP.
EDP Sciences
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