Evaluating order acceptance policies for divergent production systems with co-production.

  • DUMETZ Ludwig
  • GAUDREAULT Jonathan
  • THOMAS Andre
  • LEHOUX Nadia
  • MARIER Philippe
  • EL HAOUZI Hind
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary The impacts of using different order acceptance policiesin manufacturing sectors are usually well known and documented in the literature. However, for industries facing divergentprocesses with co-production (i.e. several products produced at the same time from a common raw material),the evaluation, comparison, and selection of policiesare not trivial tasks. This paperproposesa framework to enable this evaluation. Using a simulation model that integrates a custom-builtERP, we compare and evaluate different order acceptance policiesin various market conditions. Experiments are carried outusing a case from the forestproducts industry. Results illustrate how and when different market conditions related to divergent/co-production industries may call for Available-To-Promise (ATP), Capable-To-Promise (CTP),and other known strategies. Especially, we show that advanced order acceptance policies like CTP may generate a better income for certain types of market and, conversely to typical manufacturing industries, ATP performs better than other strategies for a specific demand patterns.
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