Log-normal continuous cascade model of asset returns: aggregation properties and estimation.

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Journal Article
Summary Multifractal models and random cascades have been successfully used to model asset returns. In particular, the log-normal continuous cascade is a parsimonious model that has proven to reproduce most observed stylized facts. In this paper, several statistical issues related to this model are studied. We first present a quick, but extensive, review of its main properties and show that most of these properties can be studied analytically. We then develop an approximation theory in the limit of small intermittency λ-super-2 ≪ 1, i.e. when the degree of multifractality is small. This allows us to prove that the probability distributions associated with these processes possess some very simple aggregation properties across time scales. Such a control of the process properties at different time scales allows us to address the problem of parameter estimation. We show that one has to distinguish two different asymptotic regimes: the first, referred to as the ‘low-frequency asymptotics’, corresponds to taking a sample whose overall size increases, whereas the second, referred to as the ‘high-frequency asymptotics’, corresponds to sampling the process at an increasing sampling rate. The first case leads to convergent estimators, whereas in the high-frequency asymptotics, the situation is much more intricate: only the intermittency coefficient λ-super-2 can be estimated using a consistent estimator. However, we show that, in practical situations, one can detect the nature of the asymptotic regime (low frequency versus high frequency) and consequently decide whether the estimations of the other parameters are reliable or not. We apply our results to equity market (individual stocks and indices) daily return series and illustrate a possible application to the prediction of volatility and conditional value at risk.
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