Classical multiparty computation using quantum resources.

  • CLEMENTI Marco
  • PAPPA Anna
  • ECKSTEIN Andreas
  • WALMSLEY Ian a.
  • KASHEFI Elham
  • BARZ Stefanie
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary In this work, we demonstrate a way to perform classical multiparty computing among parties with limited computational resources. Our method harnesses quantum resources to increase the computational power of the individual parties. We show how a set of clients restricted to linear classical processing are able to jointly compute a nonlinear multivariable function that lies beyond their individual capabilities. The clients are only allowed to perform classical xor gates and single-qubit gates on quantum states. We also examine the type of security that can be achieved in this limited setting. Finally, we provide a proof-of-concept implementation using photonic qubits that allows four clients to compute a specific example of a multiparty function, the pairwise AND.
American Physical Society (APS)
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