Localization of RFI sources for the SMOS Mission: a means for assessing SMOS pointing performances.

  • SOLDO Yan
  • CABOT Francois
  • MIERNECKI Maciej
  • FIEUZAL Remy
  • KERR Yann h.
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary Artificial sources emitting in the protected part of the L-band are contaminating the retrievals of the soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) satellite launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) in November 2009. Detecting and pinpointing such sources is crucial for the improvement of SMOS science products as well as for the identification of the emitters. In this contribution, we present a method to obtain snapshot-wise information about sources of radio-frequency interference (RFI). The localization accuracy of this method is also assessed for observed RFI sources. We also show that RFI localizations constitute a useful data set for assessing the pointing performance of the satellite, and present how it is possible, using the results of this method, to identify and estimate two systematic errors in the geo-location of the satellite field of view. The potential causes and the approaches to mitigate both these errors are discussed.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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