Taxonomic and functional facets of the resilience to management of mown subalpine grasslands.

  • LOCHON Iris
  • COLACE Marie pascale
  • DEVAUX Caroline
  • RETTINGER Ricarda
  • LAVOREL Sandra
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary Questions: Sustaining ecosystem services for society in the face of global change is a major challenge. Resilience, an ecosystem's ability to absorb disturbance and return to its initial functioning, is critical for this. We assessed the resilience of mown subalpine grasslands following restoration management. Using a novel multi-indicator approach, we asked how different taxonomic and functional facets of biodiversity influence resilience mechanisms. We demonstrated this approach for a case study in subalpine grasslands, asking: how resilient are grasslands dominated by Patzkea paniculata and their agronomic services to changing mowing regimes? Location: Villar d'Arene, Hautes-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France. Boundary area of Ecrins National Park. Methods: A manipulative experiment tested the reciprocal effects of mowing cessation and mowing resumption for 10 years. We analysed floristic composition data following four steps. First, we used the Community Structure Integrity Index (CSII.
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