Beam self-action in planar chalcogenide waveguides.

  • NAZABAL Virginie
  • RENVERSEZ Gilles
  • BAUDET Emeline
  • NEMEC Petr
  • BOIDIN Remi
  • CHAUVET Mathieu
Publication date
Publication type
Proceedings Article
Summary We present a new experimental technique based on the analysis of beam self-action to measure optical nonlinearity in planar waveguides. This technique is applied to analyze the nonlinear properties of slab chalcogenide waveguides that can develop Kerr induced self-focusing or self-defocusing, depending upon the waveguide structure and composition. Optical nonlinearity in chalcogenide waveguide is studied in the 1200 nm to 1550 nm wavelength range in femtosecond regime. Results of the proposed technique compare favorably with n2 values obtained with the Z-scan technique. In addition, beam self-trapping in the chalcogenide waveguides due to material photosensitivity is also observed.
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