Capturing the relevant problems leading to pain- and usage-driven innovations: The Dependency Structure Modeling Value Bucket algorithm.

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Journal Article
Summary The Dependency Structure Modelling Value Bucket (DSM-VB) tool is integrated into Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology in order to explore the front end of innovation in need seeker mode. The determination of innovation opportunities, here called value buckets, has been automated by matrix representations of dependencies between problems or pain points, usage situations and existing solutions. Three matrices are built along the problem setting stage of a RID process. The first matrix expresses which problems occur during usage scenarios, the second how far existing solutions cover problems, and the third to what degree existing solutions are useful in usage situations. Combining these three matrices results in a matrix of value buckets, which represents the combinations of important problems which occur during characteristic usage situations and for which few existing solutions are useful or efficient. This outcome allows focused creativity workshops to be run, resulting in usage innovations with a high likelihood of market success.
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