Protocole of a controlled before-after evaluation of a national health information technology-based program to improve healthcare coordination and access to information.

  • DUHAMEL Sylvie
  • FOURNEYRON Emmanuelle
  • HUIART Laetitia
  • JOSEPH Jean philippe
  • LANGLOIS Emmanuel
  • PINCEMAIL Stephane
  • RAMEL Viviane
  • RENAUD Thomas
  • ROBERTS Tamara
  • SIBE Matthieu
  • THIESSARD Frantz
  • WITTWER Jerome
  • SALMI Louis
  • SALMI Louis rachid
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary Background: Improvement of coordination of all health and social care actors in the patient pathways is an important issue in many countries. Health Information (HI) technology has been considered as a potentially effective answer to this issue. The French Health Ministry first funded the development of five TSN (" Territoire de Soins Numérique " /Digital health territories) projects, aiming at improving healthcare coordination and access to information for healthcare providers, patients and the population, and at improving healthcare professionals work organization. The French Health Ministry then launched a call for grant to fund one research project consisting in evaluating the TSN projects implementation and impact and in developing a model for HI technology evaluation.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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