An application of the KMT construction to the pathwise weak error in the Euler approximation of one-dimensional diffusion process with linear diffusion coefficient.

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Journal Article
Summary It is well known that the strong error approximation in the space of continuous paths equipped with the supremum norm between a diffusion process, with smooth coefficients, and its Euler approximation with step 1/n is O(n−1/2) and that the weak error estimation between the marginal laws at the terminal time T is O(n−1). An analysis of the weak trajectorial error has been developed by Alfonsi, Jourdain and Kohatsu-Higa [Ann. Appl. Probab. 24 (2014) 1049–1080], through the study of the p-Wasserstein distance between the two processes. For a one-dimensional diffusion, they obtained an intermediate rate for the pathwise Wasserstein distance of order n−2/3+ε. Using the Komlós, Major and Tusnády construction, we improve this bound assuming that the diffusion coefficient is linear and we obtain a rate of order logn/n.
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
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