A template for sustainable food value chains.

  • LE BRIS Gwenola yannou
  • YANNOU Bernard
  • PETIT Gaelle
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary This paper proposes a template to assist food value chain actors in their collaborative efforts to develop common sustainable strategies and business models. Inspired by the simplicity of the Business Model Canvas, the template reintroduces sustainable practices as a support for management solutions for sustainable food value chains. The template requires cooperation between actors and stakeholders and comprises three steps: (1) identification of needs for sustainability. (2) development of value chain practices aimed to deliver sustainable value, and assignment of responsibilities to actors for these practices. and (3) formulation of a sustainable value proposition. The template also allows a simple graphical representation of sustainability in value chains, which helps improve communication between actors, and allows stakeholders to be kept informed. The template is applied to a sustainable pork value chain to illustrate how it captures various aspects of sustainability in the pork industry.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
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