Evaluation of Multiple Methods for the Production of Continuous Evapotranspiration Estimates from TIR Remote Sensing.

  • DELOGU Emilie
  • OLIOSO Albert
  • ALLIES Aubin
  • DEMARTY Jerome
  • BOULET Gilles
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary Continuous daily estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) spatially distributed at plot scale are required to monitor the water loss and manage crop irrigation needs. Remote sensing approaches in the thermal infrared (TIR) domain are relevant to assess actual ET and soil moisture status but due to lengthy return intervals and cloud cover, data acquisition is not continuous over time. This study aims to assess the performances of 6 commonly used as well as two new reference quantities including rainfall as an index of soil moisture availability to reconstruct seasonal ET from sparse estimates and as a function of the revisit frequency. In a first step, instantaneous in situ eddy-covariance flux tower data collected over multiple ecosystems and climatic areas were used as a proxy for perfect retrievals on satellite overpass dates. In a second step, instantaneous estimations at the time of satellite overpass were produced using the Soil Plant Atmosphere and Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration (SPARSE) energy balance model in order to evaluate the errors concurrent to the use of an energy balance model simulating the instantaneous IRT products from the local surface temperature. Significant variability in the performances from site to site was observed particularly for long revisit frequencies over 8 days, suggesting that the revisit frequency necessary to achieve accurate estimates of ET via temporal upscaling needs to be fewer than 8 days whatever the reference quantity used. For shorter return interval, small differences among the interpolation techniques and reference quantities were found. At the seasonal scale, very simple methods using reference quantities such as the global radiation or clear sky radiation appeared relevant and robust against long revisit frequencies. For infra-seasonal studies targeting stress detection and irrigation management, taking the amount of precipitation into account seemed necessary, especially to avoid the underestimation of ET over cloudy days during a long period without data acquisitions.
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