On the training of lawyers in France.

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Journal Article
Summary Until recently, the issue of legal education was largely confined to the publication of official, often confidential, reports. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, it has been the subject of new and extensive debates. Christophe Jamin and Mikhaïl Xifaras, both professors at Sciences Po, express in the following article a point of view that will please or irritate the world of lawyers, both those who teach and those who practice. The vigor of their comments and proposals prompted us to make them the starting point of a more general reflection conducted as a survey. We have invited eminent jurists from different schools, opinions and professions to share their views on law studies with our readers. We will publish their articles in our next issue. The survey will answer five questions: Should law school be reformed (student recruitment, length and content of training, professional orientation)? How should law schools be managed? How should they be integrated into universities? How should law professors be recruited? What role should lawyers from society (judges, lawyers, etc.) play in this teaching? What changes are required by the internationalization and Europeanization of law?
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