Financial crises and international contagions: a macroeconomic and cliometric perspective.

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Journal Article
Summary Six papers presented at the 31st Days of Monetary and Financial Economics at the Institute of Political Studies in Lyon on June 19-20, 2014 have been selected for publication in this issue of the French Journal of Economics. These days were organized by Antoine Parent in charge of the local committee and by Alexis Direr and Jean-Bernard Chatelain, in charge of the program committee. This is the annual event of the Groupement de recherche européen (GDRE) en monnaie, banque et finance, funded by the CNRS. About 90 papers were presented in parallel sessions. The roundtable discussion organized by Andy Mullineux at these days has already been published in the 2014/3 issue of the Revue française d'économie (Mullineux [2014]), under the title "Have we made banks 'good'?" This panel discusses the consequences of recent changes in banking regulation on the reduction of risk-taking by banks, on the improvement of capital and credit allocation, on the reduction of rents in the banking sector, and on the ethics of the banking professions.
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