The place of non-standard jobs in the trajectories of entry into the workforce.

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Journal Article
Summary Atypical forms of employment", deviating from the norm of salaried employment on permanent, full-time contracts, have been developing on the French labor market for several decades. These atypical forms of employment primarily concern young people and can be a prerequisite for sustainable integration or leave scars on their medium-term employment chances. We compare the labor market entry trajectories of cohorts of first-time school leavers in 1998, 2004 and 2010 using a dynamic Markov model of heterogeneous labor market transitions. Our analyses show that the employment norm is increasingly difficult to achieve. Recent changes in the dynamics of labor market transitions, linked to the 2008 crisis, appear to be highly heterogeneous. They have contributed to compensating for the deterioration in the trend of springboard effects from full-time employment on fixed-term contracts to full-time permanent contracts.
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