On the vocation of the (French) law schools of our time for science and teaching.

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Journal Article
Summary Christophe Jamin is the director of the Sciences Po Law School. He recounted the motives and experience of its creation in 2009 in a small book, La cuisine du droit (Lextenso, 2012, 277 pages), which generated a lot of controversy after its publication in France. Mikhaïl Xifaras was closely involved in this creation as a teacher at the School of Law and head of its doctoral program. He wanted to contribute to the discussion by proposing a review of this book to most of the French law journals, which all refused to publish it, for various, sometimes surprising reasons. These refusals led both of them to want to give this review the form of an article written together and to go and be published elsewhere, in this case in Belgium, a country whose hospitality they know and appreciate. [First lines of the article].
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