Evaluating speech features with the Minimal-Pair ABX task: Analysis of the classical MFC/PLP pipeline.

  • SCHATZ Thomas
  • PEDDINTI Vijayaditya
  • BACH Francis
  • JANSEN Aren
  • DUPOUX Emmanuel
Publication date
Publication type
Proceedings Article
Summary We present a new framework for the evaluation of speech rep- resentations in zero-resource settings, that extends and complements previous work by Carlin, Jansen and Hermansky [1]. In particular, we replace their Same/Different discrimination task by several Minimal-Pair ABX (MP-ABX) tasks. We explain the analytical advantages of this new framework and apply it to de- compose the standard signal processing pipelines for computing PLP and MFC coefficients. This method enables us to confirm and quantify a variety of well-known and not-so-well-known results in a single framework.
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