Multiresolution Analysis of Incomplete Rankings.

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Summary Incomplete rankings on a set of items {1, ., n} are orderings of the form a_{1} \prec . \prec a_{k}, with {a_{1}, ., a_{k}} \subset {1, ., n} and k < n. Though they arise in many modern applications, only a few methods have been introduced to manipulate them, most of them consisting in representing any incomplete ranking by the set of all its possible linear extensions on {1, ., n}. It is the major purpose of this paper to introduce a completely novel approach, which allows to treat incomplete rankings directly, representing them as injective words over {1, ., n}. Unexpectedly, operations on incomplete rankings have very simple equivalents in this setting and the topological structure of the complex of injective words can be interpretated in a simple fashion from the perspective of ranking. We exploit this connection here and use recent results from algebraic topology to construct a multiresolution analysis and develop a wavelet framework for incomplete rankings. Though purely combinatorial, this construction relies on the same ideas underlying multiresolution analysis on a Euclidean space, and permits to localize the information related to rankings on each subset of items. It can be viewed as a crucial step toward nonlinear approximation of distributions of incomplete rankings and paves the way for many statistical applications, including preference data analysis and the design of recommender systems.
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