Math in the Cabin - Shape Analysis Workshop in Bad Gastein.

  • BAUER Martin
  • BRUVERIS Martins
  • HARMS Philipp
  • KHESIN Boris
  • MICHOR Peter
  • MODIN Klas
  • MULLER Olaf
  • PENNEC Xavier
  • SOMMER Stefan
  • VIALARD Francois xavier
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Summary The workshop “Math in the cabin” took place in Bad Gastein, in the period July 16 – July 22, 2014. The aim of the week was to bring together a group of researchers with diverse backgrounds — ranging from differential geometry to applied medical image analysis — to discuss questions of common interest, that can be vaguely summarized under the heading “shape analysis”. These proceedings contain a summary of selected discussions, that were held during this week.
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