Mobile, secure, and programmable networking : first international conference, MSPN 2015, Paris, France, June 15-17, 2015, selected papers.

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Summary The rapid deployment of new infrastructures based on network virtualization and cloud computing triggers new applications and services that in turn generate new constraints such as security and/or mobility. The International Conference on Mobile, Secure and Programmable Networking (MSPN) aimed at providing a top forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss new trends in networking infrastructures, security, services, and applications while focusing on virtualization and cloud computing for networks, network programming, software-defined networks (SDN) and their security. In 2015, MSPN was hosted by CNAM Paris, which is one of the oldest teaching centers in Paris. The call for papers resulted in a total of 36 submissions from around the world. Every submission was assigned to at least three members of the Program Committee for review. The Program Committee accepted 14 papers, which are from: Algeria, China, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Russia, Spain, and Vietnam. One intriguing keynote from Professor Pierre Paradinas complemented the technical program. We would like to thank all who contributed to the success of this conference, in particular the members of the Program Committee (and the additional reviewers) for carefully reviewing the contributions and selecting a high-quality program. Our special thanks go to the members of the Organizing Committee for their great help. We would like to especially thank Habiba Chelah, Lamia Essalhi, and Lynda Saad for taking care of the local arrangements and many other aspects in the organization of the conference. We hope that all participants enjoyed this successful conference, made a lot of new contacts, engaged in fruitful discussions, and had a pleasant stay in Paris, France.
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