Implied carbon values of national contributions and 2°C trajectories.

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Summary This working paper analyzes the level of effort required to reach the INDC targets of the 13 countries of the Deep Decarbonization Pathway Project. The objective is to assess and compare the levels of effort required to reach the INDC targets, both between countries and with respect to longer-term trajectories (2050) that are part of the global objective of limiting temperature increase to below 2°C. A methodology is put in place to transcribe the INDCs into LULUCF net CO2 emission levels. The POLES model is then used to reveal the implicit carbon value of the INDCs and to allow comparability of national targets between them. Finally, the creation of an INDCext scenario allows us to understand the INDCs in relation to longer-term national objectives (2050) compatible with the global objective of limiting the temperature increase to below 2°C.
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